
Titanic Ocean Liner Ship ~ Android用アプリケーション V1.1 デベロッパー Develop Droid

This app is a live wallpaper.

Now you can move this app to SD card!
Six different sizes (240x320, 320x480, 480x600, 480x800, 480x854 & 600x1024 for tablet) to choose from!
Possibility to set different speeds!

Issues, Questions, or Poor Ratings Please send me an e-mail.

We have received many comments on wallpapers not working on their particular phones.
Unfortunately, some phone are not compatible with live wallpapers, please check the web to see if yours is compatible.


If by chance you get any error other than those stated below, please let me know so that we can look into the problem.

Question & Answer:

I have downloaded and installed it. How do I set it up as a Live Wallpaper?

- go to your home screen;
- press the menu button on your device;
- select "Wallpaper";
- select "Live Wallpapers";
- search and select for " Live Wallpaper"
- select "Settings" to see the settings or select "Set wallpaper" to activate it.

System Requirement:


There are two requirements to use live wallpaper:
1) compatible hardware;
2) compatible OS.

1) compatible hardware -- any phone that came with Android OS 2.0 or later should work fine. Anything that came with 1.5 / 1.6 may have problems.
HTC Droid Eris, Hero, Legend, Spica, and their cousins are known to have problems, even when updated to Android OS 2.X.

2) compatible OS -- Android OS 2.1 (Eclair) or later can use live wallpapers.

Tags: live wallpaper lwp cartoon baby bikes music places animal woman man love dark sport rock pop dance car.

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